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I'm a realist, simply put. This blog will be everything but "fake" or "kosher". It is what it is.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Troy Davis... our Unfair "justice" System

     For a while now I have been receiving emails from the NAACP board regarding Troy Davis and his case. People for quite some years now have been trying to help fight for this mans life and yesterday it all went in vain. Troy Davis was executed last night and many people are up in arms about this, as am I, so I guess I'm just coming to vent a little and also just to give my viewpoint.

     When I first started getting emails about this man I never paid much attention to them because I get a lot of random emails from different websites but once I actually read into what it was about a feeling close to dread came over me. Yet, another black man being falsely accused of a crime he did not do. Now OF COURSE no one will ever know for sure know whether he did it or not, the man is dead now, but there was just too much evidence showing that he did not do the crime he was accused of; murdering a police officer. When 7 of 9 "eye" witnesses recant their statements, you know that something is just not right about the situation. Our justice system is supposed to be fair and you are not to condemn a man if their is a shadow of doubt, and there was obvious doubt regarding Troy Davis' case.

     This just goes to show, once again, how unfair our justice system is. There was nothing justifiable about killing this man and pinning a crime on him that he seemingly did not do. How can a woman like Casey Anthony, who obviously killed her baby, walk free and a man like Troy Davis, who had a good amount of evidence on his end to prove that he did not do the crime, get executed? Where the hell is justice in that? The ridiculousness of these two comparisons is just mind boggling to me but not shocking. Troy is a black man and Casey is a white woman, that's all you need to know to know why one walked free and one was murdered.

Not too long back a young white male, who went to an ivy league college was caught selling cocaine and got only about 3 months or so in jail. Not too long before that, a black male who was on his third strike got LIFE in prison for having weed in his home. Now, regardless of the fact that he had three strikes against him, how in the hell did he get life for weed but the white boy got 3 months for cocaine. COCAINE. He should have at least got three fucking years because young black men on their first strike would get that much for the same thing, not 3 damn months. The racism within our government and justice system is just fucked up when you take a step back and really look at the shit that goes on and that's really what Mr. Davis' case comes down to. Racism.

     People, especially white, always look at me crazy when I say that racism is what a lot of injustice comes down to but that's the truth and nothing but the truth. Comparison cases like Troy's and Casey's show that CLEARLY. There is no reason that this woman should have walked away free, no reason. There is no reason why Troy's case should not have been appealed. The whole set up of anything having to do with the government is fucked up and unfair but this is not the first and it won't be the last. Many more injustices like this are yet to come, especially to black folks. Black men and women having been dealing with this for centuries now, this is nothing new, but it is still terrible to witness and I personally will never become numb to hearing, seeing, or reading about how fucked up a nation of people can be.

     My prayers go out to the Davis family. I know that this has been a long and hard journey for them but I've read that Troy was a man of God, so he is in a better place. No longer will he have to live knowing that death is nearing because I'm sure he's known for a while now that they would never let him go.

     This was mainly just a vent for me right now because I've been overwhelmed all day thinking about his case and others.
